Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
God hath made that same Jesus…both Lord and Christ! He is Lord! In everything we do, in everything we say or write there must be only one Lord. Our lives must have only one central theme – Jesus Christ is Lord! Not me, not you, nor anyone else. He is the one and only Lord!
While all of Christianity agrees that He is Lord, many do not experience Him in that way. To Christianity, in general, He is the Lord up in heaven far above the earth. It is very difficult to have a relationship with the Lord when He is so far away. So Christians function apart from Him and look for His return to earth.
Jesus Christ is the Lord! Is He the Lord over you from the distant heavens? Or, is He the Lord over your life in a more personal way, yet apart from you? How about this concept: Is He the Lord in you? Have you relinquished all your rights to Him? Has He invaded your life? Paul said that He is coming to be glorified in His saints (II Thessalonians 1:10). However, this doesn’t happen without you believing for it and appropriating it. He only comes in your life to be glorified when you ask Him to do so. And even then you have to be very serious and intense about it. You also have to be willing to die out to self; self-centeredness has to go. He really has to be the Lord!
If you want Him to be the Lord in your life, you should give some thought to what that really means. You can’t have Him as the Lord in your life and still do things your own way. You have to totally give yourself over to Him. Many of the ones who have experienced the Lord Jesus Christ coming into their lives to rule and reign have been very surprised. They had the shock of their lives. They didn’t realize that He was so serious about being the Lord over them and in them. They thought they could still direct their own lives and do things their way. They thought He would serve them and help them get what they wanted. They thought He would be on their side. What a shock to find out that they would really have to serve Him and His interests!
“Jesus Christ is Lord” is a nice catch phrase. It really makes you feel special and super-spiritual. Do you know what a lord is? A lord has subjects, or he is not a lord. He rules and reigns over his subjects. The idea that a Christian can accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and still remain in control of their own lives is a false concept. And for that reason He is usually only the Lord in the imagination of one’s own mind or, at least, one that is far away.
Would you really like for the LORD TO BE LORD over you and in you? Do you have the courage to invite Him into your life to rule and reign? Can you say, “Be the Lord in my life?”
Copyright © 2001 by Henry DuBose