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DAILY MANNA - Mark Chapter One Thoughts

While reading this chapter today a few things jumped out to me, and I thought I would pass them on to you.

Preparation and New Beginnings

Mark 1:1-5 The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;
2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, which shall prepare thy way before Thee.
3 The voice of One crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight. ...more


We are interested in the mysteries spoken of in the Word of God. They are the truths and Kingdom concepts hidden in the Scriptures. The Greek word for "mystery" is mysterion; it means "a thing hidden, a religious secret, or that which is not obvious to the understanding." It occurs 22 times in the King James Bible. We will not look at every passage of Scripture where it is found, but we will examine enough to sharpen our desires for the Word of God.

God's Word is not laid bare for just anyone. His Word is for those who are hungering after Him, and it is the hunger for Him that will begin uncovering the veil over the Word of God.

We will begin with a portion of Scripture in John chapter seven. Here we will see Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles in the midst of a multitude, yet hidden. As such, He is an example of a mystery.

BOOKS FROM OHM - Understanding the Scriptures

Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:45.

Jesus had been talking to His disciples all during His ministry, because they would carry on His ministry after He ascended. But still it was necessary for Him to open their understanding of the Scriptures. God is speaking to us from His world in these Scriptures, but the Bible is written in the words of man and the thoughts of man. We must know how to come to the Lord in the Scriptures and hear what He is saying and hear the words from His world. This is an important key to knowing the Lord and walking with Him.

Understanding the Scriptures, Part 1
Understanding the Scriptures, Part 2
Understanding the Scriptures, Part 3
Abraham's Call
Circumcise Our Hearts, Lord
From Type to Reality
Isaiah Speaks
Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdoms of This World
Let's Go to Timothy
Love Out of a Pure Heart
Not Many Laborers
Stand Fast in the Liberty
The Making of a Nation
The Way That Leads to Life
This is Important

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