DAILY MANNA - Lift Up Your Spirit
Too often we tend to impose the limitations of man upon God. God is not man; He is Spirit (John 4:24), and will not accept man’s limitations. Various Christian sects will have their particular set of doctrines for God to conform to. However, God does not conform to religious concepts. He will not allow Himself to be placed in captivity by man. He will not conform to man’s theology.
God is omnipresent; He is everywhere. And He will not be confined to any particular place in heaven or in earth. The farther astronauts go up in space the farther away some Christians want to put God. He is not just some super-intelligence in faraway space that has the ability to know what is happening on earth. ...more
We are interested in the mysteries spoken of in the Word of God. They are the truths and Kingdom concepts hidden in the Scriptures. The Greek word for "mystery" is mysterion; it means "a thing hidden, a religious secret, or that which is not obvious to the understanding." It occurs 22 times in the King James Bible. We will not look at every passage of Scripture where it is found, but we will examine enough to sharpen our desires for the Word of God.
God's Word is not laid bare for just anyone. His Word is for those who are hungering after Him, and it is the hunger for Him that will begin uncovering the veil over the Word of God.
We will begin with a portion of Scripture in John chapter seven. Here we will see Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles in the midst of a multitude, yet hidden. As such, He is an example of a mystery.