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This Week's Audio Message


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DAILY MANNA - Revelation and Leviticus: The First Verse


Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ…

This as far as we need to go. One reason people have trouble with the Book of Revelation is because of the symbolism and cryptic sayings. But the primary reason is because they are looking for the wrong information. They want to know: What does 666 mean? Who is the beast? the false prophet? the antichrist? What are all those ugly things coming up out of the abyss and those three spirits like frogs? What does all that mean? They are focused on the wrong things. And, consequently, they miss what the Book of Revelation is all about. The key that unlocks the Book of Revelation is given in the first words: The Revelation of Jesus Christ… ...more


We are interested in the mysteries spoken of in the Word of God. They are the truths and Kingdom concepts hidden in the Scriptures. The Greek word for "mystery" is mysterion; it means "a thing hidden, a religious secret, or that which is not obvious to the understanding." It occurs 22 times in the King James Bible. We will not look at every passage of Scripture where it is found, but we will examine enough to sharpen our desires for the Word of God.

God's Word is not laid bare for just anyone. His Word is for those who are hungering after Him, and it is the hunger for Him that will begin uncovering the veil over the Word of God.

We will begin with a portion of Scripture in John chapter seven. Here we will see Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles in the midst of a multitude, yet hidden. As such, He is an example of a mystery.

BOOKS FROM OHM - Words of Enlightenment

The Body of Christ is experiencing many things that previously we have known only in a limited way. In the past, the Holy Spirit has enlightened our hearts to many precious truths in the Scriptures. Revelation is essential, but alone it is not enough. We must experience that which the Lord has revealed to our hearts.

Experiencing Revelation
From Revelation to Reality: Spoken and Performed
From Soul to Spirit
God's Secret
He Made the Worlds
Labor to Enter His Rest
Preparation for Ministry
The Work of the Lord
The Glory of the Latter House
What Meaneth This?
The Serpent Beguiled Eve
A Blessing and A Curse
Adversaries: Without and Within
Be Wise as Serpents
God Has Provided a Written and Spoken Word

Click here to order the printed copy.

Click here to order the eBook.
